Yoga with Melissa

Melissa is a true teacher.  She allows her practice to be a tool for personal evolution and that brings a deep understanding and creativity to her teaching enabling students to have the confidence to make their own inner journey through Yoga.

Angela Farmer, World Renowned Yoga Teacher

My Approach

I began formal Yoga practice, when I had just turned seventeen years old after years as a dancer and athlete. I was seeking a spiritual path that could help me heal and develop greater self-understanding. At the time, there were no studios or accessible yoga props available to me. I simply showed up at my local community center with my cotton blanket and began practicing Patanjali’s eight limbed path - daily. For me, Yoga has never been about the asana practice alone, but a beautiful, in-depth, expressive vehicle to reconnect us to where we have lost touch with ourselves, each other, and the Earth.

Women are the most trustworthy preservers and transmitters of Yogic teaching. 

Sri Krishnamacharya

I consciously sought out powerful female teachers that were blazing a new path for the evolution of Yoga in these times. Although I began with classical Hatha Yoga training in the Sivananda lineage, I eventually found post lineage paths, led by radical, ethical, and loving female teachers that were reclaiming a Yogini heritage which had been long lost.

After thirty three years of devoted exploratory practices, I value fluid, non-linear, non-hierarchical paths that include inspired expressions of creative movement that is rooted in energetic continuity. I practice and teach from a place that is arising from my connection to the Earth, its elements, shapes, and movement patterns as well as the infinite psychic unfolding that comes from within us. In my classes and intensives we may explore asana, pranayama, and meditation techniques but with a framework of somatic inquiry, self-empowerment, and compassionate embodiment.