Upcoming Retreats + Immersions

The body is like the ocean, rich with hidden treasures. Open your innermost chamber. And light it’s lamp. Within the body are gardens, rare flowers, peacocks, the inner music. Within the body a lake of bliss, on it, the white soul-swans take their joy. 

Mirabai, 16th Century Mystic


Nourish + Revive

June 15th-26th, 2025

Eftalou, Lesvos, Greece

(Sold Out)


Embodied Wisdom

August 6th-10th, 2025

Three Rivers, Michigan

(Sold Out)


Entering the Heart of Practice

March 7th-14th, 2026

Mar de Jade, Chacala, Mexico

(Spaces Still Available)

You have heightened and extended my awareness and the depth of perception of my interior landscape, the world around and beyond me and the interplay of the two. Thank you for your endless gifts. They bring such joy and growth!

Susanna Carlisle, New Mexico